homespun saga: giving thanks with quilts continues

My "quilts of thanks" gifts for my family and friends continues!

Two more done. Ready to be loved. 

The fabrics for these quilts were acquired some dozen years ago when I made this quilt from a commercial pattern. Its hand quilted! 
A quilt from long ago.
At the time I was so in love with homespuns that I collected and collected and collected!

I'm sure I could have made this whole pattern with a half dozen or so fat quarters. But that didn't stop me from buying what I'm certain turned out to be at least 25 yards (yes, yards!) of homespun fabrics of every shape and color!

And there they sat. For more than a decade!

So, I'm continuing my mission to use up this beautiful fabric.

A third quilt is basted and ready for quilting. All three quilts are simply pieced, a timeless patchwork of five-inch blocks. They're quite lovely actually and will make a great quilt to use on the couch while watching a movie or reading a great book. Nothing quite like a cotton quilt for warmth and comfort.

I'm happy to give these away to my family and friends that I love. And I especially love that I've made something useful and beautiful from all this homespun cotton fabric.

You can read my previous post about my quilts of thanks here!

I still have a long ways to go. Plenty of fabric in the stash. And sadly, there's even more fabric tucked away in the closet.

This mission will continue!

On Friday, I'll link up to
Off the Wall Fridays
Finish it up Friday
Free Motion Mavericks
Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. Beautiful! Lucky family and friends you have!

  2. Itā€™s funny you should be highlighting homespun fabricsā€¦ā€¦.they continue to pull my heartstrings and I too have A LOT of them. Recently, I pulled all the blues from my stashā€¦..and will be string piecing them on a muslin foundationā€¦.not sure yet how Iā€™ll set the blocks but since homespun fabrics have a tendency to stretchā€¦.the muslin will provide lots of stability.

  3. I think it's great that you've kept them for so long and now found the right use for them. I find the same happens with my stash - and I've been trying to use more of it up this year. Beautiful gifts.

  4. I love homespuns too and these quilts look perfect for snuggling up in.

  5. Your stash is organized so neatly, I just can't get myself organized. Your quilt is so lovely, lucky recipient's!

  6. I love seeing these quilts you're making for family and friends. And the homsepuns look great as simple blocks.

  7. Plaids always get me and they look so good together in that simple square pattern.

  8. I know how you feel. Having quilted for ever, I finally noticed that many of my fabrics are so "old." Still beautiful but definitely vintage ;-) My have been going into baby and toddler quilts. Congratulations on finishing your quilts, clearing out older fabrics, and making so many family and friends feel more loved.

  9. Your doing what we ALL should do ! I'm cheering you on !

  10. The quilts are gorgeous. Your friends and family will love them. The fact that the fabrics have been stored for a while makes them more interesting. Nothing like a bit of nostalgia!


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