two new online lectures for quilters - open to the public

I'm excited to announce that I am presenting two new online lectures. These are open to the public through the Port Townsend School of the Arts. And you can listen and see my presentation from your own home. I hope you'll join in!

Thursday, July 30, 2020 5:00 - 6:30 pm PST - $20

Register here

Modern Minimalism: Lessons

From Art & Architecture

Minimalism is a foundation of modern quilting, but the line      between minimalism and boring is razor thin. By studying      masterpieces from contemporary art and architecture, this lecture will dissect what makes one piece of decluttered art amazing and another ho hum. Frank Stella, Sol Lewit and Agnes Martin, plus architects Maya Lin and Japanā€™s Tadao Ando, will inspire and instruct as we transfer their best concepts into both quilt design and the quilted line. Five ā€˜Minimalism Done Wellā€™ tips help avoid the boring.


 Thursday, August 27, 2020 5:00 - 6:30 pm PST - $20

Register here

Japan 2.0: The Next Gen Quilters

Meet the Next Gen of  Japanese quilt artists. Japanā€™s history and cultural norms set very clear rules for who is and who is not considered a Master and this lecture will explain why, and how, that happens. But in the Japan 2.0 universe, there is a community of quilters for the 21st century who are operating outside the rigid cultural lines of the traditional Master/Student relationship. They are turning creating original, modern quilts with a global eye while still managing to reference the Japanese aesthetic.



  1. I wish I had known about these lectures! Now that everything is online and done from home, I'm on the lookout for new and interesting lectures, so hopefully there will be another opportunity. I really enjoyed your last book and the lecture at quilt festival 2019. And BTW - I LOVE your new look with the glasses and hair :). I went natural hair color a few years ago and haven't looked back...

    1. Thank you so much! Please check out Textile Arts Los Angeles. I have a lecture on September 9 that is open to the public. Topic is Minimalism.


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