want to take a tour to Japan?

People ask me all the time if I lead tours to Japan. I do not... I love Japan and definitely know my way around, but I don't have the time or resources to host a tour.

I was recently approached by Japan Deluxe Tours about their Tokyo Quilt Festival Tour.  It looks like a good option for folks who want to attend the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival in January 2020. Japan Deluxe Tours is offering a $50 discount code for quilters via my website. Use coupon code TFQ50QF.


While I have not gone on this tour, I have used the Japan Deluxe Tours website many, many times for information. They have excellent information about places to go and how to get there, etc.

I encourage everyone to visit this lovely country. Its is so easy to get around. The Tokyo Dome Show is a wonderful must see. The food in Japan is fantastic. Crime is almost non-existent. And best of all, the people are polite and friendly. Go!

email: info@japandeluxetours.com

Please note: I am sharing this as a courtesy. I am not affiliated with Japan Deluxe Tours and was not compensated for this post.

There is more information about traveling in Japan on my Japan INFO page - click here.


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