first time to pay a longarm quilter

For the first time, I sent a quilt off to a professional longarmer!

I'm so thrilled. I don't even know why I made this quilt... these fabrics are everywhere, and not my usual palette. But I just decided it was time I made something with the beautiful Japanese chrysanthemum from Philip Jacobs - part of the Kaffe collective.

Once I started making blocks, I just couldn't stop. Before I knew it, the thing was a queen size! I have only made one other quilt that large and it was ages ago. Didn't have the enthusiasm to push this thing under my domestic machine and quilt it.

Longarmer to the rescue!

It was quilted by Rose Jeter who lives out near Boerne, Texas. Rose did a beautiful job and her stitches and design are just perfect. I met Rose when I gave a lecture to the quilt guild there and she showed some of her stunning quilt work during the show and tell. Later I asked her if she'd quilt this for me and she agreed.

This is the messy guest room... those boxes on the left are filled with my books!

Even though its a bit messy, the room looks very cheery now with this bright, new quilt.

Nice geometric design fits perfectly with these blocks.


  1. She did a lovely job with the quilting!! I can't imagine wrestling that huge quilt through your DSM!! Quilting by check is a perfect choice!!!

    1. Thanks Farm Quilter! You are right, it was so easy to do and the result was great!


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