big news this week

This was a big, big week for me!

First, I was just notified last night that I have been selected to give a lecture at the Houston International Quilt Festival! This is such an honor and I am thrilled to be selected.

Second, my new book is listed in the Schiffer Publishing Spring catalog - which just came out. The book will be available in July.

Third.... I'm going to California. Well...  not till 2018!
I've been invited to give 3 lectures to 3 different quilt guilds - 2 in San Francisco, and 1 in Napa! I'll be spending 2 weeks there in all. Life doesn't get much better than that, does it?

Texas is also on my lecture list... and lots of awesome guilds have invited me to speak in 2017 and 2018.

All book tour lectures are listed on my website:


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