Nancy Crow workshop - day one

Today was a great first day of Nancy Crow's "piecing & resturcuturing" workshop.

I'm at the 'Crow Barn' - out in rural Ohio, near Baltimore. Its a lovely setting.

As for the workshop.... today felt a bit like I was a contestant on 'Project Runway' ... (in a good way!)  We were given "one day" for the "challenge" and a budget of 12 "fabrics" (aka knows as finished improv pieced blocks) that we created!

I started with this....

Then made 12 sets of new fabrics....

Then... I sewed like a crazy woman and turned those strips into this...

A few small things to fix on this tomorrow morning. Not bad for "quilt in a day" challenge!

Sunday we also visted the Dairy Barn Arts Center - in Athens, Ohio. There is a fabulous exhibit on view of master quilts curated by Nancy. Unfortunately, no pics allowed. But the barn is a very cool space ---- this is the same venue that hosts/exhibits Quilt National.

Stay tuned. More to come. 


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